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Chintan Park
Chintan Park is nearby the Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) Taoyuan Station, it was a pond for agricultural use to prevent flooding. After being renovated, it is designed to be a water park for urban residents. There are plenty of installments, such as Observation deck, wooden walking trails, pedestrian trails, and outdoor theater, it’s a place for people seeking peace and recreation. Chintan Park had won awards for public building.
Yong-an Harbor
Yong-an Harbor is at the estuary of Duzi River, the Harbor was called Kantouwu Harbor originally. Families can ride bikes to have delicious seafood together, there is also a green tunnel in a fairly short distance. Overall, the harbor is a top choice for families who need rest and entertainment.
Daxi Old Street
Daxi is the earliest place to develop in Taoyuan, people sail to Tamsui River from Dahan River. The trading business with Mainland China was thriving, bringing up many merchants and stores. During the Japanese Colonial Period, the Baroque was popular, the stores combined the Baroque and traditional Minnan decorative design. This included Greek hills, Rome pillars, and Chinese-style fish or bats to pray for good luck. The designs become a distinctive characteristic of Daxi. Because Heping Old Street was developed later so the condition is better. There are various kinds of unique stores on the street and very boisterous.
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