HOTEL COZZI Zhongxiao Taipei 「Happy Birthday」Celebrate your special birthday with COZZI! Enjoy exclusive birthday perks and create unforgettable memories. MORE
HOTEL COZZI Zhongxiao Taipei 「Green Serenity by COZZI」Green travel with COZZI! Join us to reduce your carbon footprint. Stay comfortable while contributing to a sustainable future. MORE
HOTEL COZZI Zhongxiao Taipei「2025 Happy the year of Snake」New Year PackageWelcome 2025 Golden Snake Brings Good Fortune! Stay and Receive Lucky Soaps Full of Blessings MORE
HOTEL COZZI Zhongxiao Taipei 「Let’s Go Seniors!」PackageExclusive Deal for Seniors! Enjoy the Pleasure of Slow Travel MORE
HOTEL COZZI Zhongxiao Taipei「Good Morning!Taipei」PackageGood Morning Taipei Start your morning by Michelin breakfast!! MORE
HOTEL COZZI Zhongxiao Taipei「Weekday Lunch」Limited Weekday Delights. Savor moments of leisurely dining. MORE
HOTEL COZZI Zhongxiao Taipei「Afternoon Tea Set」New Afternoon Tea Creations Indulge in your own delightful afternoon tea moments at THE Lounge. MORE
HOTEL COZZI Zhongxiao Taipei“Cozy For You” PackageEnjoy Your best trip in COZZI! "Cozy for you" start from 20% off!! MORE
HOTEL COZZI Zhongxiao Taipei「EARLY BIRD Package」With reservation 60 days in advance, you can enjoy the discount up to 25% off the daily "Best Room Price"! MORE
HOTEL COZZI Zhongxiao Taipei「15% OFF FOR 3 NIGHT STAY Package」Too COZZI to leave? Then stay longer, enjoy more and save big! MORE